Saturday, 1st April

We are really on the last lap now – we leave for home on the 12th.  It was a beautiful morning and we were encouraged out of bed by the news that it was to be a barbecue breakfast on the beach…….  within no time at all we were all in the car and heading down the hill to the Colleroy Beach.  It was already busy with walkers, swimmers and birthday party preparers!

Justine and I went for a stroll, after buying a coffee from the nearby cafe for the chaps, while Tony, Keith and the girls got started on the breakfast and setting up the table, complete with gingham cloth!    By the time we returned things were more or less ready.  Mickey was on sausage turning duty and we all took a turn before we settled down to breakfast.  

How amazing!  It was just lovely! These free barbecue spots are fantastic and unimaginable in England.  
After breakfast we watched the people for a bit before gathering up the equipment and setting off for home. It was not yet 11.00 am!

Everyone went their separate ways later – Mickey went to a film with a friend, the boys took Coco to her dance class and took the shopping list to do the shopping and Justine and I went for a walk along the headland, passing the golf course to Long Reef Beech. 

It was a lovely afternoon.  Justine and I just did not stop chatting.  So good to catch up.  The sun shone.  The views were amazing.  A marker showing the different beaches along the coast was interesting.  

Eventually it was time to turn back and tackle the hill.  There were guests for dinner. 

We arrived back at about the same time as the chaps.  Food prep commenced. A young couple from England visited and before we knew where we were, we were on parade and the dinner guests – David and Lesley who we met on our last trip – were arriving!  Dinner was great, the conversation hilarious, fuelled by some great wine.  Another excellent day.  

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